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Pietrabuona lies approximately 4 km north of Pescia, at the crossroads for the Swiss Pesciatina. It owes its name to the ancient and precious quarries of pietra serena (grey stone); a true natural treasure. The village develops on a rocky cliff called Romita, and is washed on three sides by the Pescia river. For its strategic position, it has been harshly contended since the 12th century by the peoples from Pisa and Florence. Beyond the ornamental entrance gate the remains of its ancient defense walls are still visible. The church of S. Matteo preserves two valuable wooden sculptures representing S. Matteo and S. Colombano, attributed to the Tuscan School of the early 15th century. The bountiful presence of water allowed for the development of an extraordinary handicraft: the production of quality hand-made paper, and more notably the watermarked paper used to print banknotes. The Paper Museum gathers ancient memories of this past activity and is an intriguing invitation to follow the Paper Route, an unusual itinerary toward the discovery of the Pesciatina mountains.

Tourist Office - Pescia
c/o ex mercato fiori via F.lli Rosselli, 2
Ph l  +39 0572 490919
Fax +39 0572 499933

Museo della Carta di Pietrabuona (Paper Museum)
Piazza la Croce, 1 Pescia (PT)
Ph e fax +39 0572 40.80.20

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