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 Around Pescia

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The heart of the town
The pulsing heart of Pescia is its main square, notably Piazza Mazzini, once called Square of the “mercato longo” (long market) owing to its original rectangular shape. 
The square is surrounded by noble palaces and at its end soars the Palazzo del Vicario (Governor’s Palace) dominated by the Clock Tower and the Loggia, in past times the seat of the courthouse.
At its other end, we find the little Church of the Madonna di Piè di Piazza, built toward the mid-15th century and attributed to sculptor Andrea Cavalcanti, nicknamed “il Buggiano” and Filippo Brunelleschi’s adoptive child. Piazza Mazzini is indeed the soul of the town, a place for  encounters, trade and festivals. It represents the best starting point to discover a town that still cherishes its art and history, quality handicrafts, workshops and genuine gastronomic traditions.

Tourist Office - Pescia
Former Flower Market
via F.lli Rosselli,2
Tel  +39 0572 490919
Fax +39 0572 499933


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